Interested in Mobius and our apps? See them below and find out more!
News from around the world from people like you
The world's first unscripted, unedited and unabridged information and news exchange portal. It connects creators and viewers in a truly innovative and unique way.

Personal, On-the-Go Fashion Eyewear Display for Mobile Devices
mobiSHADES is a mobile phone application that allows customers to "try on" different styles of designer sunglasses at anytime, anywhere that wireless phone service is available.

When your child is missing you want all the help you can get.
When a child is lost or missing, mobiKIDS brings the power of mobile networking, GPS and the sophisticated Mobius mobile image recognition technology to alert other parents and help locate the lost child.

The greatest tool to keep track of names and faces.
The mobiBIZ electronic business card service with facial recognition may be the quickest, simplest, yet most powerful method of exchanging and managing business contact information, ever.

Luxury Goods Authentication and Anti-Counterfeit System
mobiLUX provides authentication technology designed for luxury brands: an advanced solution that allows the retailer or customer to determine if a product is authentic or counterfeit by simply using their cell phone.

Your visual arts gateway.
mobiART is a new method for artists, galleries and collectors of fine art to connect, buy and sell fine art pieces. mobiART's unique image recognition technology uses any camera-enabled mobile device to identify, catalog and market artworks.

Your wine is one click away
mobiWine allows consumers to easily order wine by the bottle or case using only a camera-enabled mobile phone and the free Mobius image recognition software.

mobiRELAY advanced mobile marketing technology turns the actual images on your ad into an interactive experience for the consumer
mobiRELAY is a mobile marketing system provider exclusively for advertising agencies and publishers. Our cutting-edge image recognition technology delivers an interactive experience to all print and static digital media by simply utilizing the camera function on any mobile phone, regardless of carrier and country.

mobiPET is no longer available.
Bringing the power of mobile networking to your search for a lost pet
mobiPET is a service that helps reunite lost pets and owners. MobiPet brings the immediate action of real-time mobile networking to the search for a lost pet.